4 Strategies To Combat Procrastination

4 strategies to combat procrastination

If we listen to Kamal Ravikant, when he says that ‘the things I carry are my thoughts. They are my only weight. My thoughts determine if I am free and light or heavy and burdened ‘, we will realize that stopping procrastination is largely a matter of changing the way of thinking and approaching the situation. These 4 zen strategies to combat procrastination can be of great help.

Human beings tend to postpone performing those tasks that are tedious, they do not like, generate stress or even believe that they are not capable of doing them. This behavior is called procrastination and it is a generalized behavior that we all have at some point.

But what it really constitutes is an act of self-sabotage, since in addition to postponing an act that is inevitable, it makes us feel bad about ourselves and prevents us from fully enjoying other things that we like more. For this reason it is convenient to change the way of thinking and acting. For this reason, we leave you some strategies to combat procrastination.

Exhausted woman at desk

How to combat procrastination

Change the thought of obligation to that of pleasure

We can have and nurture the idea that work is an obligation that is heavy and that we could be doing something much more fun instead. Even this thought can become so great that it gives way to all the mental torture. This way of thinking leads us to identify work with an unpleasant experience that we want to get away from.

The result is that we are always putting off tasks because we do not feel prepared and because we feel that it is a slab that we carry. This creates anxiety, nervousness, frustration and undermines our self-esteem.

So why not ignore the negative in the same way that we ignore the positive, why not pay as much attention to the positive as we pay to the negative? It is not easy, especially if our gaze has been skewed for a long time. It is about finding what we like the most about our work, recognizing the importance of our work, learning new ways of performing the tasks that we like the most, etc.

Structure wisely

Fear of failure, personal doubts, low self-esteem, fear, etc. they are psychological factors that make us procrastinate. On the other hand, if we are reaching objectives, our confidence in ourselves will increase and we will feel more capable to face those tasks that cost us the most.

Therefore, an effective way to combat procrastination is to set a goal that does not require too much effort to achieve . For example, instead of losing 10 kilos, it is better to change your eating habits little by little. We can start by increasing the amount of fruit and reducing the amount of pastries.

Create a space where you feel good

The place where we work or develop those tasks that cost us the most plays a fundamental role. The better you feel about it, the less you will procrastinate. Design and change your environment to do those tasks that you do not like very much in a place where you want to be, that favors calm, inspiration, concentration, etc. Colors that you like, plants, furniture that is comfortable, paintings, eliminating unnecessary junk, keeping it organized, good lighting and ventilation … Everything helps.

If you feel comfortable, you will have more desire to do things. And of course, eliminate distractions that prevent you from concentrating. Internet, noise, telephone, social networks, etc. They are factors that will take you away from your goal, leave them as a reward for when you finish.

Tidy work desk

Take care of your body

Sleeping the necessary hours, exercising and eating a healthy diet are three pillars on which a good part of our health is based. Taking care of them will make us have more energy, feel better, be less vulnerable to stress and have an emotional balance with more points of support, more solid.

Changing your thinking is possible with these 4 strategies to combat procrastination. You will feel much better and much more fulfilled. You can!

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