35 Questions That Make You Fall In Love

35 questions that make you fall in love

What is hidden behind falling in love? Is it possible to fall in love using a concrete method? Although it seems a bit crazy and from a movie, apparently falling in love can be provoked. Without a doubt, this article will not leave anyone indifferent. 

According to research, two people can fall in love after answering 35 questions honestly and authentically. The meeting must be intimate, calm with only one final requirement: looking into each other’s eyes after having finished taking the questionnaire. And love will germinate. Do you want to know more about it?

An experiment to fall in love

Twenty years ago, Arthur Aron, a psychologist and professor at New York University, carried out an experiment that consisted of proposing to two people who did not know each other at all, a man and a woman, to answer 35 questions. After answering each other, they both had to look into each other’s eyes for 4 minutes and in silence.

Couple looking deeply into each other's eyes

As a surprise, 6 months later, the participants in this experiment said “yes, I do” having fallen in love. Columnist of  The New York Times , Mandy Len Catron , wanted to see the experiment Dr. Aron in herself and her life. The result that it actually achieved was that its participants fell in love right away.

The secret of these questions is that their answers make you open up and expose your vulnerable areas, allowing the approach between both people.

What are the 35 questions that make you fall in love?

  • If you could choose one person in the world, who would you invite to dinner?
  • Would you like to be recognized by others? And in what area?
  • Before making a call, do you prepare what you are going to say? for what?
  • How would your perfect day be?
  • When was the last time you sang alone? When did you sing to someone for the last time?
  • If you could live to be 90 and save your mind or body for 30 years, the last 60 years of your life, which of the two would you choose?
  • Do you feel how you will die?
  • Name three traits that you and your partner may have in common.
  • For what thing / situation in your life are you most grateful?
  • If you could change one thing about the way you were raised, what would you choose?
  • In just four minutes, tell your partner the story of your life in as much detail as possible.
  • If you could wake up tomorrow with a new talent or ability, what would it be?
  • If you had a crystal ball that told you the truth about yourself, about your life or future, what would you like to know?
  • Is there something you have wanted to do for a long time? What prevents you from doing it?
  • What has been the greatest achievement of your life?
  • What do you value most in your friends and people you love ?
  • What is your best memory?
  • What is the most painful memory you have ever experienced?
  • If you knew that you would die at any moment, would you change anything in your current life? why?
  • What do friends mean to you?
  • What role do love and affection play in your life?
Green heart on a tree trunk
  • List the five most important qualities of your partner in order.
  • How close is your relationship with your family? Do you think you had a happy childhood?
  • What do you think of the relationship with your mother?
  • Begin three true sentences with the word “we.”
  • Complete the following sentence: “ I would like to share ……… with someone”
  • If you wanted to be a close friend of your partner, what should he / she know about you?
  • Tell your partner what you like about him / her. Be very sincere and say what you would not be able to say to a stranger.
  • Tell your partner about an unpleasant moment in your life.
  • When did you last cry and why?
  • Tell your partner what you already like about him / her.
  • What would you never joke about?
  • If you had to die tonight without being able to talk to anyone, what would you regret not having told whom? Why haven’t you told them yet ?
  • Whose death would affect you the most? why?
  • Share a personal problem with your partner and  ask for advice on how to solve it. Then ask your partner what he thinks you were so sincere and honest in telling him.

As a final reflection, it is worth wondering if it is just falling in love despite giving the ” yes, I do “, or if true love arises with the passage of time. Perhaps it may or may not happen, but the truth is that we will have gained more complicity with the other person. Well, with these questions we have revealed part of our soul.

Do you dare to check it out?

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