25 Phrases To Protect Our Emotional Independence

25 phrases to protect our emotional independence

We must learn to enjoy ourselves, alone and in company, and avoid making our happiness dependent on others. The only love that can be imposed is self-love. We have to short-tie our insecurities , preventing them from enslaving us, choosing to be masters of ourselves, and directing our lives.

Love and dependence are at odds, if they coexist they are destroyed. In the event that this happens, even if the couple’s relationship remains, love will darken and will be subjected to dependency.

We can love and even adore our partner but, at the same time, we have to maintain a good self-esteem where we can continue to cultivate personal growth, a place in which our maturation reaches its peak.

It is complicated to understand and integrate but do not confuse love with falling in love. In love there is no anguish or butterflies or total surrender. Love is not drowning, it is not submission, it is not sacrifice.


Love is calm and not obsessive, love is moderate, love is reason, desire, friendship, care and balance. In love there is no fear and that is why the change is worth it. Here are 25 phrases that remind us of the importance of protecting our emotional independence:

1-  There is not enough love capable of filling the void of a person who does not love himself

2-  I don’t need you, I prefer you. Walter Riso

3-  If you are not able to love me as I deserve, leave, there will be someone who is capable of enjoying what I am. W. Riso

4-  I love you because I want to love you, because I have chosen you and I like to be by your side; not because you are indispensable to my happiness. W. Riso

5-  I will no longer be a slave to my emotional past but I will live my present with emotion.

6- They made us believe that each one of us is half an orange, and that life only has meaning when we find the other half. They did not tell us that we are already born whole, that no one in life deserves to carry the responsibility of completing what we lack on their backs. John Lennon

7- They made us think that a formula called “two in one” : two people thinking the same, acting the same, was what worked. They did not tell us that this has a name “annulment.” That only by being individuals with their own personality, we can have a healthy relationship. John Lennon


8-  You do not have to prove anything to others, only to yourself.

9- Love is freedom and growth before possession and limitations.

10- To love someone I must first love myself.

11- There is no love, but tests of love, and the test of love for the one we love is to let him live freely.

12- I love you because I want to love you, because I have chosen you and I like to be by your side; not because you are indispensable to my happiness.  W. Riso

13-  I will love you being aware that we are the ones who invented and reinvented the love that we live.

14-  You cannot depend on anyone to be happy, no relationship will give you the peace that you have not formed inside.

15-  Do not depend on anyone in this world, because even your own shadow abandons you in the dark.

16-  If you only enjoy giving affection, you should check your self-esteem. W. Riso.

17-  When I truly loved myself, I understood that, in any circumstance, I was in the right place, at the right time, and at the right time, and then I was able to relax. Today I know that it has a name …  Self-esteem.



18-  When I truly loved myself, I began to get rid of everything that was not healthy: people, situations and anything that pushed me down. At first my reason called that attitude selfishness. Today is called … Self  Love.

19- Depending on the person you love is a way of burying yourself in life, an act of psychological self-mutilation where self-love, self-respect and the essence of oneself are irrationally offered and given away. W. Riso

20- If you can not see what you are worth, it is likely that you will get together with someone who can not see it either.

21- When you discover that you can be the best FAN of yourself, you give up the habit of begging for the approval of others. Rafael Vidac

22- Walking through life I understood that the important thing is not to know what one has but what one is worth.

23- Loving yourself is the beginning of an adventure that lasts a lifetime. Oscar Wilde.

24- One can choose between being a happy and optimistic person or being a sad and negative person. No one is responsible for making another happy or not. The election depends on each individual.

25- Because nobody can know for you. Nobody can grow up for you. Nobody can search for you. No one can do for you what you should do for yourself. Existence does not admit representatives.  Jorge Bucay

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